Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Monster

There is a picture on the wall at AJ's school.  He calls it a monster.  It is really a picture of a little girl on the playground and the shadow of another child.  But you can't see the other child, only the shadow.  AJ insists that it is a monster.  He talks about the monster at his school all the time.  The first time he told me about it he was a little worried but not really scared.  We have been talking about and playing with our shadows so that he understands wheat they are.  When we were out walking one day Trav took the picture above of our shadows.  AJ really likes it.  We are going to take the picture to school tomorrow for "show and share" and we will look at the "monster" picture at school and at our "family shadow" picture together.  He does understand what shadows are now.  He gets excited when we can see ours and he loves to wave and dance and watch his shadow wave and dance too.  But he still insists that the picture at school is a monster.  He likes it though.  And I really like our "family shadow" picture.  It's a fun different kind of family portrait.

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